
4 min readJul 7, 2021

Today I am solving the machine called Bastion on HTB platform let’s start with scanning

First I started NMAP scan and here’s what I got

Nmap Scan

I also tried rustscan and found one more ssh port

rustscan -a bastion.htb -u 5000
RustScan Scan

After both ports scanning I ran smbclient and found these files

smbclient --list //bastion.htb/ -u
smbclient Results

As you can see there is a IPC$ file I tried to search for user with and found a new users

python3 root:bastion.htb
Users Found

Let’s get back to smbclient since we don’t have enough info about these users

We can login as root without a password

smbclient //bastion.htb/Backups -U "root"

And I found a note in there let’s see what it says

After searching again I found an interesting directory called “WindowsImageBackup” and in there there was another directory with the name of the user we found with and there where we can find the backup file the note warned about

Only .xml and .vhd files were there vhd are virtual hard disk images so they must contain hashes or something valuable but as the note said it will take forever to download because of their large size.

Since I have never been in such a situation it took a lot of reading to figure it out and finally found that we can do it in the mounting way

mount -t cifs //bastion.htb/backups /mnt -o user=,password=

And finally after running this command I was able to act like i am in the system let’s try to search for a way to get in the real system

guestmount --add /mnt/WindowsImageBackup/L4mpje-PC/Backup\ 2019-02-22\ 124351/9b9cfbc4-369e-11e9-a17c-806e6f6e6963.vhd --inspector --ro mnt0/

There is a tool in impacket called we can use to dump some hashes

python3 / -sam SAM -security SECURITY -system SYSTEM LOCAL

We already know that windows’ hashes are always stored in Windows\System32\config directory

So we should be already in this directory before running

python3 /path-to-tool -sam SAM -security SECURITY -system SYSTEM LOCAL

It was a quick scan and we got what we want let’s crack these hashes to get an access to the actual machine

L4mpje password

crackstation online was able to give the results for this hash only and it belong to the user L4mpje it could be ssh credentials so we gotta try it

ssh L4mpje@bastion.htb   passowrd=bureaulampje

Bingo.. it worked and I got the user.txt

Now it’s time to escalate to the system’s administrator and get the root.txt

While exploring ‘C:\Users\L4mpje\AppData\Roaming\mRemoteNG I’ found .xml files tried reading the first one and it contained the password for administrator and user L4mpje

administrator password

It’s the first time to see this type of encryption so I searched with the file name “mRemoteNG” and found that mRemoteNG is a fork of mRemote

Read more here

I found this python tool which decrypt mRemoteNG passwords and it successfully decrypted it and we got the administrator password time to abuse it

administrator password

I tried logging in via ssh but it was like root authentication wasn’t enabled

ssh failed

So I tried using evil-winrm and it successfully logged in with the credentials we have and i got the root.txt


This machine was really fun and full with new techniques,Hope I wrote a good writeup and was easy to understand

Respect on HTB it won’t take a minute


