after waiting for a long time here is what i got **Nowonly4me** let’s see how we can use this password…
I tried logging in via ssh as david with this password but it didn’t work
I searched again and found that we can change directory to /home/david/public_www
and found there 2 files index.html and protected-file-area
We found backup-ssh-identity-files.tgz file in the protected-file-area I tried to unpack it but I failed so I transferred it to the attacking machine and tried again.
ssh files
Bingo… we got ssh keys but unfortunately they were encrypted so we gonna use john to decrypt them
cracked ssh
It was faster this time and now we can login as david using the id_rsa file
first flag
We got the first flag now its time to escalate to root.
personally searching for capabilities and SUIDs is the first step
i didn’t find any capabilities but i found this in SUID :
find / -user root -perm /4000 2>/dev/null
we can see bash here by running this command congrats we are root now